What your servers go through that you don't know about

A lot of times people will come into a restaurant, sit down, and not give a rip about the person that is waiting on them. Why would they? They aren't there to hear their life story or anything; they are there to eat. But I want to shed a light on what happens in the restaurant business to servers. At least this server.
I've been working in a casual dinning restaurant for over two years now and I've seen people that I thought were only fictional characters in movies, had more bills than tips in a week, and have experienced the ups and downs of working with people that have a great attitude, and a not so pleasant one.
Join me in this journey of telling the story of the life of a server and feel free to comment and ask questions.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

your job ≠ my job

"Your job does not equal my job."

Dear business man/woman,
I am a server. I work in a restaurant. I serve food, work with food and generally know what I am talking about when it comes to the restaurants' menu. So please, sir/ma'am, don't come to me and try to tell me how to do my job, how the food should be cooked or when it should be coming out. If you don't like the way I serve then I would be more than happy to trade positions with you. If you know how the food should be cooked then save some time and money, and me the stress, and stay home and cook it. Then it will come out when and how you think it should.
So my dear business man/woman, if you would not like me to tell you how to do your job I ask that you would not do it to me.

Thanks so much!
server Jon

This happens so much and is very rude. If you go out with someone, or if this is you, I and every other server ask that you would have it stopped. We would greatly appreciate it.

*This comes from a fellow server of mine.*

And just so you know I was informed by my wife that my writing stinks... just kidding... But she has said that it was hard to follow because of my laid-back writing. So I will trying to be better at my writing from now on. Just so that the one or two people reading this can follow. :)

Thanks for your time!
Server Jon

1 comment:

  1. I agree on the writing thing. Hate to be a jerk...but it is a bit hard to follow. You don't have to be pro or anything...just sayin. (I love you)
