What your servers go through that you don't know about

A lot of times people will come into a restaurant, sit down, and not give a rip about the person that is waiting on them. Why would they? They aren't there to hear their life story or anything; they are there to eat. But I want to shed a light on what happens in the restaurant business to servers. At least this server.
I've been working in a casual dinning restaurant for over two years now and I've seen people that I thought were only fictional characters in movies, had more bills than tips in a week, and have experienced the ups and downs of working with people that have a great attitude, and a not so pleasant one.
Join me in this journey of telling the story of the life of a server and feel free to comment and ask questions.

Friday, February 12, 2010

about me

well when i posted that last bit the clock said that it was the 12th already, but the blogger said it was still the 11th.
Anyways...About me. I dont know if anyone really cares or not, but this whole thing is about the life of a server (me) and the things that you don't know about the people who serve you at your table.
I am 21 years old and about 8 1/2 months ago i married an amazing woman Gabrielle who i love so stinking much! :)
WE have two cats Bella and Alex. I want a dog, but she said she wants to wait till we have a yard. We are planning on waiting about 5 years before we have kids but my mom really wants to have kids now... Sorry mom, not going to happen. but if it happens it happens and that it fine, but we're not planning it.
i was going to heartland school of ministry to train to be a youth pastor, but my money ran out so i'm trying to save money to go back to school. whether it's back there or somewhere else i don't know. but i was still interning with the youth department at the church, but have been out the past few months working. but i miss it so much there and hope to be back there soon.
But i am a Bible believing, God fearing, Holy Spirit filled Christian and am not ashamed to say it! One thing that kinda irritates me is when people call themselves "Christians" and then live like the rest of the world. Thats not right. it's either you live the life or you don't.
um..well i am a co-owner of a small graphic design business with one of my good friends. right now i'ts not really going like we want, but we did just start it a couple of months ago so hopefully in the next year it can start picking up. yeah that'd be nice.
but like i said before i've been working at Ramanos Macaroni Grill in Grapevine, TX for the past 2 years and a few months. I'm a developer server which is a server that helps train others to be great at their job.
I like doing stuff with my hands. I really like riding my bike, even though i haven't really done it in a while. i like exercising. And just spending good quality time with my wife. :)
I love God and i love telling people about the love of God and how much He loves His creation.

Well thats a little bit about me. it's not really that interesting, but i hope you know a little bit more about your server.

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